Monday, February 10, 2014

TS Fact # 7

While there is no cure for TS, there are several therapies and treatments patients can take advantage of.

- growth hormone injections

- estrogen/progesterone supplements

- counseling

- in vetro fertilization

The sooner patients start treatments and therapies, the better.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

TS Fact #6

TS  patients are typically not diagnosed until around 12 - 14 years of age.  The ideal diagnosing age is at birth so patients can take advantage of important medical treatments and therapies.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

TS Fact # 5

There are other conditions associated with TS that are not physical.  Some include:

- infertility/ ovarian failure

- kidney issues/ infections

- heart abnormalities

- hearing loss/ infections

- social anxiety

- lymphedema

- type II diabetes

- hypothyroidism

- hypertension

- educational difficulties

- osteoporosis

- dental problems

Once again, every TS case is different.  A patient may not experience all these difficulties.

Friday, February 7, 2014

TS Fact #4

Here are some possible physical indicators of Turner Syndrome:

- short stature (around 4' 8")

- broad shield chest

- short wide neck

- droopy eyes

- lymphedema

- pigmented moles

- low set ears or hairline

- overweight

- upturned fingernails

- scoliosis

- high arched palate

Every TS case is different.  Some TS patients may not have all these physical characteristics.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

TS Fact # 3

Turner Syndrome was first described by an Endocrinologist named Dr. Henry Turner in 1938 at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Internal Secretions.   

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

TS Fact #2

Girls born with TS are miracles.
  • "It is estimated that only about 1% of fetuses with only one X chromosome survive to term and that approximately 10% of all miscarriages are due to Turner syndrome."  (Turner Syndrome Society of US website

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

TS Fact #1

Turner Syndrome, occurring in 1 out of every 2000 - 2500 live female births, is when one of a female's two X chromosomes is partially or fully missing.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

Proud to be 1 in 2000!!

February is Turner Syndrome Awareness month!

This little known chromosomal condition, which occurs only in girls, is completely random.  Your sister, mother, daughter, or niece can be effected by TS.  Which means it is important to learn the symptoms and bring your concerns to your doctor.

Each day for the rest of the month, I will post about the history, symptoms, facts and ways to spread awareness for TS.  

I am proud to be 1 in 2000!