Sunday, June 13, 2010

Friends Forever??

Growing up I had a group of friends. We were best friends and did everything together. We even once declared we would be in each others weddings years in the future. I felt like I would never be alone, I would always have my three best friends. Then, when I was eleven years old, out of nowhere, my parents told us we were moving four hours away. I was devistated. How can I find better friends than these three girls? But we promised each other we would never lose touch. It worked for a while. We exchanged phone calls and letters and an occasional visit during Christmas or summers. But before I knew it, we hadn't seen each other in 5 years and the phone calls and letters turned into facebook wall posts. "Hey! What's new?" When we finally did get to see one another, our lives became so different we didn't have much to say to each other. How do you catch up on the last 5 years of your lives? When I think about them these days I do think about the all the fun we had, the apple picking, the easter egg hunts, the sleep overs, but I mostly cringe at the fact that we let ourselves grow apart this way. What happened? Was it the distance? Or were we not as good friends as I thought? Either way, I've known these girls practically all my life, and we've shared so much that there is no way I will ever forget them. They will forever be a huge part of my life and who I am. I cherish every time I get to talk to them, even if it is only a short facebook message, but it hurts to know how much has changed. I wish we could go back to how things were, when we were best friends forever.

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